Mastering Git and Linux Commands: Essential Tools for Developers

Samar Anand
2 min readMar 16, 2023

As a developer, using command-line interfaces (CLI) can significantly enhance your productivity. In this blog post, we will cover some of the most useful commands for both Github and Linux.

Github Commands:

  1. git clone <repository-url> : This command will create a local copy of the repository on your machine.
  2. git add <file> : This command adds changes to the staging area.
  3. git commit -m “<commit-message>” : This command commits the changes to the repository.
  4. git push : This command will push the committed changes to the remote repository.
  5. git pull : This command will pull the latest changes from the remote repository to your local copy.
  6. git status : This command will show the current status of the repository.
  7. git log : This command will display the commit history of the repository.
  8. git branch <branch-name> : This command will create a new branch.
  9. git checkout <branch-name> : This command will switch to a different branch.
  10. git merge <branch-name> : This command will merge the specified branch into the current branch.

Linux Commands:

  1. ls : This command lists the files and directories in the current directory.
  2. cd <directory-name> : This command changes the current directory to the specified directory.
  3. mkdir <directory-name> : This command creates a new directory with the specified name.
  4. touch <file-name> : This command creates a new file with the specified name.
  5. rm <file-name> : This command deletes the specified file.
  6. rm -r <directory-name> : This command deletes the specified directory and all of its contents.
  7. cp <source> <destination> : This command copies the specified file or directory to the destination.
  8. mv <source> <destination> : This command moves the specified file or directory to the destination.
  9. chmod <permissions> <file-name> : This command changes the permissions of the specified file.
  10. ps -ef | grep <process-name> : This command shows the details of the specified process.

These are some of the most valuable commands developers should be familiar with when working with GitHub and Linux. However, these lists are not exhaustive and there are many more commands that can be useful depending on the situation. It’s always a good idea to keep learning and exploring new commands to enhance your productivity.



Samar Anand

"Software Engineer & Blogger. Sharing tech insights & tips. Follow for expert perspectives on software development. - Samar Anand"